Solutions 100AM for Your Business

Contacts of colleagues on your phone
Exchange contacts with colleagues
Communicate with users
Create account How to create account
Team contact management

Advanced solutions
for companies

Online rolodex

When a new employee is hired by the team, you previously had to ask for his internal phone number from colleagues or look up his contacts in company directories. Now his updated contact info is in the app, on your phone, right now.

Business card creator and business card scanner

Employees will be able exchange their new digital business card, instead of an old paper business card, with their colleaguesvand business partners

New business opportunities

You can't call a digital
business card, a business card with contacts

Online networking company

Go big time. Add a photo, video or gif for your business presentation

Network organization

With no extra steps involved, your partners will get notifications every time you make an update to your business card.

Networking company
What to do with old business cards

Saving money on printing
paper business cards

Much like dial up internet connections, and long distance phone call bills, Business previously had to grin and bear printing paper business cards for employees. It was a grim fact of doing business. Thanks to the digital business cards of 100AM, businesses can completely abandon the outdated process of printing paper business cards all together.

secure data storage

Secure data storage

All information from digital business cards
is securely stored in an encrypted format, which reliably protects your data.